Today after mass, Father Roy led the students and parishioners around the school as we prayed the r…

Today after mass, Father Roy led the students and parishioners around the school as we prayed the r...

???? Today after mass, Father Roy led the students and parishioners around the school as we prayed the rosary. October is the month of Mary and we pray that she intercedes for us! ????

Holy Rosary Catholic School | Today after mass, Father Roy led the students and parishioners around the school as we prayed the r...
Holy Rosary Catholic School | Today after mass, Father Roy led the students and parishioners around the school as we prayed the r...
Holy Rosary Catholic School | Today after mass, Father Roy led the students and parishioners around the school as we prayed the r...
Holy Rosary Catholic School | Today after mass, Father Roy led the students and parishioners around the school as we prayed the r...

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